George Mirabella


Commissioner Mirabella was elected to the Board in 2012 and re-elected in 2014 and 2018. 

He was elected as Vice-Chair in 2020, and.

served as Secretary from November 2015 to November 2020.

George has served as Secretary/Treasurer from November 2018 to the present

The #1 reason why Commissioner Mirabella ran for the board was to:

Increase local volunteer membership in the Fire Department and Ambulance Corporation by encouraging volunteerism, participating and re-establishing the Explorer Program with Coral Shores High School to enable students interested in becoming certified professional firefighters.

Prior to Moving to the Keys

George and his family lived in North Bellmore, Long Island, New York, where he is a lifetime member of the North Bellmore Volunteer Fire Department. George started volunteering with the North Bellmore Volunteer Fire Department in 1972. After 10 years of training and schooling George was promoted to Captain in 1982. George and his wife, Annmarie and his son Thomas moved to Key Largo in 2000. George was recertified as an EMT in 2004 and became a member of the Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corp.

George then became a member Key Largo Volunteer Fire Department and became a certified Florida Fire Fighter II in 2005.


Professional Life & Affiliations

Commissioner Mirabella served as a volunteer of the Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corps and the Key Largo Volunteer Fire Department for eleven years.

George has been an employee of the Florida Keys Electric Coop since 2006.