RFP 2024-001 District Operational Analysis & Consolidation Study
RFP 2024-001 – District Operations Analysis_
Florida Association of Special Districts (FASD)
Special districts provide the services that connect Florida’s communities, reliably and efficiently, so you can focus on what truly matters. Florida has over 1,700 special districts, each focused on a single type of service, such as water control, fire rescue and safety, health care, community development and beautification, mosquito control, transportation infrastructure, and more. Municipalities and counties have broad powers to provide general services, while special districts provide more specialized services through very limited powers – most of them serve only a single purpose. Independent or dependent special districts operate within specific, defined areas, enabling them to provide services in the most efficient way possible. Local Services for Local Residents The most trusted government is the one closest to the people it serves – and no government is closer than a special district. Many special districts have long histories in their communities, often providing services before other units of local government have even been established. District officials are personally invested in providing the best quality of life and making choices that benefit their local community. Financial Accountability & Transparency The fiscally responsible governing boards of special districts commit to using limited budgets and taxpayer dollars responsibly. State law limits how special districts can spend taxpayer dollars and requires them to follow transparent financial processes. Special districts fund one service, effectively and efficiently, and are held accountable by the residents that they serve.
Key Largo Chamber of Commerce
The Key Largo Chamber website provides information about the uniqueness of Key Largo, and includes information on accommodations, services, as well as a calendar of events in the Upper Florida Keys.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
This website contains the latest weather for Key Largo and the world. This website also contains the latest information for Florida hurricane watches and warnings, as well as, other information relating to the climate, weather conditions, and satellite imagery.
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
This is the United States Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
The Federal Emergency Management Act website includes general information regarding FEMA, Presidential Declarations, and Information on various types of disasters, Current disaster, Mitigation information and Disaster assistance for citizens.
U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services
This is the federal government website that promotes health care service in rural areas, and provides funding for rural areas.
U.S. Fire Administration (USFA)
This website provides training and educational opportunities for the Fire Service and allied organizations. Also available are fire statistics, public fire education campaign materials, and information on funding opportunities. Federal travelers will find a directory of approved, fire-safe hotels. Citizens may access information on home fire safety.
Florida Division of Emergency Management
The Division’s mission is to ensure that Florida is prepared to respond to emergencies, recover from emergencies, and mitigates against emergencies impacts. This site provides information and planning tools to the Florida Emergency Management Community. The website strives to provide timely, accurate up-to-date information for Florida residents.
Florida Department of Health
The Florida Department of Health promotes and protects the health and safety of all Florida residents. They promote quality public health services and health care standards, and provide information regarding Environmental Health, Epidemiology, HIPPA, and other health-care issues.
Florida Department of State
The Florida Department of State manages our state’s elections, corporations, historical and cultural resources and libraries.
Florida Department of Financial Services
The Florida Department of Financial Services is composed of 13 divisions, several specialized offices and 2,000 employees. The Department manages State insurance, the Treasury, the State Fire Marshall, and the state’s banking and finance.
Florida Commission on Ethics
The Florida Commission on Ethics is a nine-member Commission that serves as the guardian of the standards of conduct for officers and employees of Florida and its political subdivisions. The Commission website also contains the Code of Ethics by which all Public Officials in Florida are bound.
Monroe County
The Monroe County website provides information about the county; commissioners; divisions and departments; employment and county issues including “Hot Topics”.
Monroe County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO)
The Sheriff’s website provides an array of information regarding the Sheriff’s Office, organizational structure, Crime Stoppers, the Swat and dive teams, and other news pertaining to sheriff’s activities in the keys.
District’s Purchasing Policies and Procedures